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Idaea semisericea Warren
Ptychopoda semisericea Warren, 1897, Novit. zool., 4: 60.
Ptychopoda comparanda Warren, 1900, Novit. zool., 7: 107, syn. n.
Sterrha comparanda neanica Prout, S. c. trettesensis Prout 1938, Gross Schmett. Erde, 12: 208,
        syn. n.

Idaea semisericea
(holotype of neanica)
(x 1.16)

The wings are rather deep, greyish with darker fasciae (the holotype of neanica illustrated is rather atypically brown) the oblique medial being well developed, broader than the postmedial. Confirmation of identity from genitalic features is recommended.

Taxonomic notes. The male genitalia of the taxa brought into synonymy all have rather paddle-like valves with small, digitate processes at the centre of the ventral or costal margins, or both. The aedeagus vesica has a bundle of moderate cornuti, though these vary in size in the various subspecies, being reduced in ssp. comparanda and large in ssp. trettesensis. The female genitalia are also similar, with a distal, somewhat lateral patch of spines. The grey-banded facies is also relatively constant. The male lacks a pouch or rugosity on the second sternite. The specimen labelled as that illustrated for the original description of neanica (not the holotype but from the same locality, with the same date) proved on dissection to be a male of Scopula actuaria.

Geographical range. Sri Lanka; N.E. Himalaya; Borneo (ssp. neanica); Java (ssp. trettesensis); Philippines.

Habitat preference. The holotype male of neanica was taken at Tenom in the lowlands of Sabah. A female has been taken more recently in lowland dipterocarp forest at Ulu Dusun, also in Sabah near Sandakan, another in a lowland Paraserianthes falcataria plantation near Brumas and two in a cocoa plantation at Tuaran.

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