disciscura Holloway
Tasta disciscura Holloway, 1976: 84.
(paratype) |
Diagnosis. The forewing has the darker postmedial broader than in the other pale
species, extending over much of the discal area. The ocellus is only slightly
elliptical as in reflexoides. In the male genitalia the valves are rather
short and broad, as is the uncus. The former have a single major but short
digitate process at one half, with one or two much smaller ones close to it. The
aedeagus vesica lacks cornuti.
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. The type specimen was taken in tall montane forest at
1500m on G. Kinabalu. This forest has now largely been cleared. During the Mulu
survey three specimens were taken at much lower altitudes, one in alluvial
forest (70m) and two in wet heath (kerangas) forest (150m).
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