Cleora inoffensa Swinhoe
inoffensa Swinhoe,
1902, Trans. ent. Soc. Lond., 1902: 625.
inoffensa Swinhoe;
Fletcher, 1953: 125, with review and description of subspecies.
inoffensa Swinhoe;
Holloway, 1976: 82.
Diagnosis. This is probably the most distinctive of the Carecomotis
group, with a bluish tinge to the marginal zones of the wings and a pale
yellowish tone to the basal sections.
Taxonomic notes. C. indiga Fletcher
(S. Moluccas) and C. costiplaga Fletcher (New Guinea) are possibly
just distinctive races of inoffensa. The race that flies in Borneo is
probably glaucata Fletcher.
Geographical range. Himalaya,
Sundaland, Philippines, Sulawesi, Solomons.
Habitat preference. The
species is common in a range of lowland forest types but also extends up into
the lower montane zone, with specimens taken as high as 1930m and 2110m on G.
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