Gasterocome Warren
Type species: pannosaria Moore.
In facies this genus resembles Alcis, particularly some of the
Bornean species, but is distinguished by translucence, particularly on the
hindwing where there is a distinct dark brown border with a straight interior
edge. The forewing discal spot is pale-centred.
The male antennae are ciliate (bipectinate in Alcis). The fovea
is absent (present in Alcis). A setal comb is present on the third
sternite. The male genitalia have a number of unusual features: the uncus is
narrower over the apical part, which is square-ended; the gnathus is broadly
triangular with a central longitudinal row of oblong plates (a similar feature
is seen in Coremecis Gen. n.); the valve has the apex expanded,
the cucullus zone membranous, crinkled, with a fold extending basad to an angled
subcostal process; a band of short setae occurs centrally alongside this angled
process; there is a slender, curved, digitate process from the sacculus; the
aedeagus is slender, with a small, laterally directed spine at the apex.
In the female genitalia the basal part of the bursa continues on from a
sclerotised ring in the short ductus as a long slender scobinate tube that
expands out into a rather narrow, pyriform distal part. The signum, at one third
in the pyriform section, consists of two separate bosses adjacent to each other,
each with a small spine.
The genus contains a small number of Oriental species, mainly
allopatrically distributed. As well as the type species there is G.
fidoniaria Snellen (Sulawesi, with a related but slightly different taxon in
Seram), G. conspicuaria Leech (China; placement needs investigation) and
G. polyspathes
Prout (Sri Lanka).
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