pannosaria Moore
Cleora pannosaria Moore, 1867, Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1867:
Boarmia sinicaria Leech, 1897, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (6), 19:
Diplurodes contacta Warren,
Novit. zool. 6: 53.
Boarmia orta Bastelberger, 1911, Ent. Rundschau 28: 22.
Gasterocome pannosaria macarista Prout,
1932, J. fed. Malay States Mus., 17: 101.
Gasterocome pannosaria Moore;
Holloway, 1976: 82.
Diagnosis. See the generic description for distinction from similar species of Alcis.
Taxonomic notes. Most of the synonyms above are currently treated as subspecies. The
Bornean subspecies is macarista Prout.
Geographical range. N. India to Taiwan and Sundaland.
Habitat preference. The species is common on G. Kinabalu between 1930m
and 2110m, and ranges from 1050-2600m.
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