costimacula adjuncta Prout comb. n.
Alcis costimacula Wileman, 1912, Entomologist 45: 72.
Ectropis costimacula adjuncta
Prout, 1928, Bull. Hill. Mus. Witley, 2:151.
Proteostrenia ochrimacula [sic]
var. ochrispila Wehrli, 1936, Ent. Rundschau, 54: 3.
Prionostrenia ochrimacula [sic]
Wileman ssp. ochrispila; Wehrli, 1939, Gross-Schmett. Erde.
4, Suppl.: 317.
colln Herbulot) |
Diagnosis. The species is very similar to A. intractabilis but in Sundaland
is distinguished by the narrow dull fawn-yellow band along the forewing costa.
The zone between the medial and postmedial on the hindwing also tends to be
Geographical range. Taiwan, China; Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo.
Habitat preference. A single male was taken by M C. Herbulot at 1200m at
Kundasan on the south slopes of G. Kinabalu.
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