Serratophyga Gen.
Type species: subangulata Warren, N.E. Himalaya.
This genus includes a few species that have been misplaced in Hypephyra
Butler, a macariine genus. The male antennae are serrate and strongly
ciliate, thus tending towards the Cassyma group of genera discussed
first. The hindwing is slightly angled at M3. The facies resembles that of some Peratophyga
species with a medial zone on both wings that is yellow, speckled and
striated with blackish, bounded distally and basally by irregular black fasciae.
The forewing postmedial has a sharp angle to it subcostally. The rest of the
wings is dark grey. Below, the basal half of the wings is dull yellow, the
distal half dark grey, resembling Hypephyra and a small basal grey patch
on the forewing with Cassephyra.
The male genitalia have a typical dorsal process to the valve that is
flexed centrally and has a short lateral spur subbasally. The ventral part of
the valve is narrow, tapering, with a small central, semicircular flange. The
uncus is triangular, with a produced, bifid apex. Coremata are not evident. The
aedeagus apically has two longitudinal zones of spining, and the vesica has some
scobinations distally. The valve shape is diagnostic for the genus.
The female genitalia have a broad, pyriform bursa that opens through a
longitudinally placed ring of sclerotisation into the ductus. The ductus
broadens to an obtusely notched ostium. The signum is modified into a
crown-shaped flange.
The genus consists of the type species from the N.E. Himalaya, S. sterrhoticha
Prout comb. n., described below, and S. xanthospilaria Wehrli
n. from S. China.
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