This work was undertaken partly as a research
programme of the International Institute of Entomology (IIE), partly in
leisure time and on unpaid leave and partly in the process of providing
taxonomic support for Jurie Intachat's (Forest Research Institute of
Malaysia: FRIM) research programme within the FRIM Regional Forestry
Research programme with funds provided by the British Overseas Development
Considerable support for publication of The Moths of
Borneo series continues to be provided by Henry Barlow.
I am very grateful to my wife, Phillipa, for the long hours she put in at
the keyboard to produce camera-ready copy for the text and figure legends,
and to Locomotive Software for the use of their equipment and materials.
The colour plates of moths were photographed by Bernard D'Abrera, and
those of the larvae by Mike Bascombe and David Preston. The half tone
figures were produced with the assistance of Graham duHeaume.
The work would have been impossible without full access to the collections
of The Natural History Museum, London. Material was also examined in, or
from, the Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra, the Senckenberg
Museum, Frankfurt, the U.S. National Museum of Natural History,
Washington, the B.P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, the University Museum,
Oxford, the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, the Royal Scottish Museum,
Edinburgh, the Forest Research Centre Collection, Sepilok, and the FRIM
collection, Kepong. I am grateful to the staff of all these institutions
for their assistance, and for Chey Vun Khen and Jurie Intachat of the last
two for access to unpublished host records. Such records were also gleaned
from data taken from material submitted to IIE over the years for
identification (See Introduction). John Rawlins kindly provided me with a
translation of host-plant data in Inoue et al. (1982). Mike
Bascombe provided host data from Hong Kong.
I have enjoyed close collaboration with Geometridae specialists
associated with the Heterocera Sumatrana Society, notably Rikio Sato,
Manfred Sommerer and Dieter Stüning, resulting in a liberal exchange of
key information and useful critiques of various drafts of the text. Thanks
are also due to the following for their critical comments on all or part
of the text: Douglas Ferguson, Martin Krüger, Malcolm Scoble, Jason
Weintraub and Katsumi Yasaki. The work also benefited from discussions
held at various times with Hans Bänziger, David Carter, Chey Vun Khen,
Mark Cook, Steve Fletcher, M. Claude Herbulot (who also kindly loaned or
donated Bornean material from his collection). Hiroshi Inoue, Peter
McQuillan, Linda Pitkin, John Rawlins and Colin Treadaway.