Aedia lichenea Hampson
comb. n. (Plate 2, Figs 61, 62)
Catephiona lichenea Hampson, 1895, Trans.
ent. Soc. London, 1895: 306.
muscosa Hampson, 1926, Descr.
Gen. Spec. Noctuinae, p. 63, syn. n.
Eucatephia muscosa Hampson;
Holloway, 1976: 33.
Diagnosis. This species has a rather dark, purplish
brown forewing with obscure, transverse, rather rippled fasciation.
Taxonomic note. This species is externally very similar
to dinawa Bethune‑Baker (New Guinea), the type species of
Eucatephia, but differs in the male genitalia: The uncus is
swollen basally, and the valve apices are tapered rather than having the
margins convex to a narrowly rounded apex. The female genitalia are variable,
but the ductus bursae and corpus bursae are equal in length in both species. A
similar species also flies in Sulawesi (slides 19599, 20829), perhaps extending
to Seram (slide 17919), with valves broader than in lichenea but of a
similar shape; the females have the ductus bursae much shorter than the corpus
bursae. The original, adjacent descriptions by Hampson (loc. cit.; Nye,
1975) of Catephiona and Eucatephia are almost verbatim, and
certainly give no indication of why they were considered to be distinct.
Geographical range. Bhutan, Peninsular Malaysia,
Habitat preference. The species is infrequent, mostly taken
in the lowlands from both forested and disturbed localities, but singletons
have been taken in lower montane forest at 900m on the limestone G. Api at
1200m in an area of cultivation and forest remnants at Bundu Tuhan on G.
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