Ecpatia elliptica sp. n. (Plate 2, Fig 86)

G 14mm. The facies is similar to that of the previous two species except the pale discal zone of the forewing is more extensive than in pauli, the postmedial is distinctly angled distal to the reniform and the tornal spot is entirely and conspicuously pale and elliptical, with an outer fine black surrounding ring that is more conspicuous than that in susanae, the whole patch obliterating the posterior part of the postmedial. In the genitalia, the peniculus lobes are small as in the previous two species. The cucullus is large as in pauli and the harpe is entire, though with a disgnostic angle on the margin near its apex on the basal side of the constriction. There are bilaterally asymmetrical spurs at the centre of the dorsal margin of the sacculus. The ornamentation of the aedeagus vesica is similar to that of pauli except the cornutus is shorter, with a distinct base‑plate.

Holotype G. BRUNEI: 300m, Ulu Temburong, rainforest 29.4.81 (Lt. Col. M.G. Allen), BM noctuid slide 17956.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. The only specimen is from lowland dipterocarp forest.

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