Ecpatia susanae Holloway (Plate 2, Fig 84)

     Catephia susanae Holloway, 1976: 33.

Diagnosis. The forewing is very similar to that of pauli, but with a less extensively pale area around the reniform, but with more pale along the submarginal (the two striae at the marginal angle are shorter, less prominent) and in the basal part of the tornal circle. In the male genitalia the peniculus lobes are small as in pauli. The valve has a relatively small cucullus, but the harpe is asymmetrically bifid. The aedeagus vesica has not been everted but has a large cornutus as in pauli. There appears to be more than one patch of deciduous spicules.

Taxonomic note. Holloway (2005) also transferred susanae to Ecpatia.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. The holotype is from 1620m on G. Kinabalu.

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