Ecpatia pauli Holloway (Plate 2, Fig 83)

     Catephia pauli Holloway, 1976: 33.

Diagnosis. Slightly larger than triangulata, pauli has a paler, greener brown zone near the costal and marginal part of the forewing, with a more extensively pale, approximately circular area round the reniform. In the male genitalia the lobes of the peniculus are small. The aedeagus vesica has one large cornutus, a spatulate sclerite and a patch of deciduous spicules.

Taxonomic note. This species was transferred to Ecpatia by Holloway (2005).

Geographical range. Borneo, Sulawesi (slide 19571).

Habitat preference. The only Bornean specimen, the holotype, was taken at 1930m on G. Kinabalu.

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