Chytonix  diehli Behounek (Plate 1, Fig 87)

     Chytonix diehli Behounek, 2002: 121.

Diagnosis. The forewing facies, particularly the course of the postmedial and the somewhat ocellate tornal area, are somewhat similar to species of Ecpatia (see above), but the hindwings lack the basal white area of Ecpatia. The long, greenish rectangle of the forewing in the region of the cell from the postmedial to basal from the orbicular is also distinctive.

Taxonomic note. The facies of diehli is very similar to that of “Chytonix. costimacula Warren (Taiwan); the two species are probably closely related, possibly conspecific.

Geographical range. Sumatra, Borneo.

Habitat preference. A single female was taken during the Mulu survey in lower montane forest at 900m on the limestone G. Api.

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