Androlymnia emarginata Hampson (Plate 2, Figs 33, 50)

     Ozarba? emarginata Hampson, 1891, Illustr. typical Specimens Lepid. Het.
     Colln. Br. Mus
., 8: 13, 76.

Diagnosis. See the generic description and the next species.

Taxonomic note. A. difformis Roepke (Sulawesi) is also very similar, as dark as emarginata, but with a more triangular central black patch and a more elongate subapical one on the forewing costa. With only limited material available, including the absence of males of the next species, the possibility that the two taxa found in Borneo are conspecific cannot be ruled out.

Geographical range. India, Java, Bali, Borneo.

Habitat preference. The only Bornean specimen seen is a male taken in a Gmelina arborea plantation near Brumas in the lowlands of Sabah.

Biology. The larva was described by Gardner (1946a) in his group BI with those of other Bagisarinae. The prolegs on A3 and A4 are minute, represented by two or three crochets that are absent in early instars. The mandible has an obtuse internal tooth. The head is yellow, with a small circular black spot on each side of the vertex in later instars. The body is pale green with primary setae set on small white pimples. There is an irregular white and yellow line at the level of the spiracles and a general whitish bloom dorsally. The legs and prolegs are paler.

      The host plant recorded was Grewia (Tiliaceae).

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