Stenoloba elegans Prout (Plate 2, Figs 127, 128)
elegans Prout, 1928, Sarawak Mus.
J., 3: 462.
Diagnosis. This and the next species, robusta
Prout, have a similar forewing facies of black markings and brownish‑green
shading on pale grey. The antemedial is oblique, the postmedial sinuous, most
strongly curved round the discal area, where the reniform is in the form of a
figure ‘8’ with the upper lobe larger. There is an oblique black dash between
the anterior part of the curve of the postmedial and the costa just
subapically. In robusta all these black markings are more clearly
defined, and the reniform is larger and more prominent.
Taxonomic note. This and the next species are very
similar to S. futii Kononenko & Ronkay (Peninsular Malaysia;
illustrated as robusta Prout by Barlow (1982)). The genitalia of all
three are similar; futii often lacks a darker grey shade in the pale
grey margin of the forewing. A single male from Java belonging to this group
has a more distinctly double and narrow forewing antemedial; the male genitalia
(slide 20964) have a blister-like bump centrally on the interior margin of the
valve sacculus.
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. This species is rare but occurs
over a much greater range of altitude and habitat than the next, being recorded
most recently from coastal forest and secondary growth at Seria, 300m in
primary forest of the Ulu Temburong and 1618m and 1670m in montane forest on Bukit
Retak and Bukit Pagon respectively in Brunei. It has also been taken at about
1500m near Kundasang on the southern slopes of G. Kinabalu. One specimen was
taken in a canopy sample from primary forest at 170m near the Danum Valley
Field Centre, Sabah (S.J. Willott, unpublished data). The type material is from
about 1300‑1600m on Mt. Poi in Sarawak, and there is a further specimen
from moss forest at about 1250m on G. Dulit
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