Koyaga potens Holloway comb. n. (Plate 3, Fig 98)

     Lithacodia potens Holloway, 1976: 16.

Diagnosis. The forewing is variegated and marked in brownish green and black on white as illustrated. The reniform is large, with a narrow pale boundary, and the most extensive area of green is immediately distal to it, extending to breach an irregular submarginal band of black, leaving a triangular patch of this centrally, surrounded by more extensive white than elsewhere on the wing. The spaces between the veins of all the wings are narrowly black at the very margin.

Taxonomic note. Placement in Koyaga is based on shared female genitalia features: the relative lengths of the ductus bursae and corpus bursae; the insertion of the former into the latter at about one third from its base.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. The species is known from a single specimen taken at 1930m on G. Kinabalu.

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