Maliattha Walker

Type species: separata Walker, see below.

      Synonyms: Hyelopsis Hampson (type species vialis Moore, India); Proschora Turner (type species amaura Turner, Queensland, = amorpha Butler).

      Ueda (1984, 1987) reviewed members of this genus in Japan and Taiwan, noting that the genus was distinct from the core Deltote group as discussed on p. 61. Kononenko (2000) revised the mainland Asian vialis Moore group; one species of this group occurs in Borneo and another, roseopicta Warren, occurs in Java, the latter probably the sister-species of melanostigma Hampson (N.E. Himalaya). The labial palps are upturned. The male antennae are ciliate. The hindwings have veins M3 and CuA1 stalked; in the Deltote group they are not stalked or with a short stalk (Deltote itself). The forewing patterns in a few species e.g. rosacea Leech in Japan) have some resemblance to those of the Deltote group, but the orbicular is usually absent in species where the pattern is strongly modified. The medial zone is usually darker than areas to each side, particularly those such as the type species where the ground colour is white and the medial forms a transverse band. In other species it is more triangular, very broad on the dorsum, narrowing towards the costa. The hindwings are usually a uniform, medium grey-brown. The second abdominal tergite lacks phragma lobes.

      The male abdomen has the eighth segment unmodified. The genitalia have a distinctive apodeme-like structure at the base of the uncus that provides an attachment for genital muscle M1. The uncus itself is long, slightly tapering and more or less straight. The valves are often long, angled away from the tegumen when spread, and sometimes upcurved. There is usually a slender, digitate process from the inner margin of the sacculus subbasally. The cucullus of the valve often has short spines around its margin, and can be irregular in shape and show bilateral asymmetry. The valve costa may be lobed or bear more slender processes, and these may also show bilateral asymmetry. The vesica lacks cornuti.

      The female genitalia have the ductus bursae long. The bursa copulatrix is moderate in size, variable in shape, and has a small scobinate signum in some species.

      The larva of the type species lacks prolegs on both A3 and A4 (Gardner, 1947). All host records located are for Gramineae.

      The genus is found through the Indo-Australian tropics and subtropics to as far east as Fiji and New Caledonia, with ritsemae Snellen (see below) extending into Polynesia.

      The male and female genitalia of Hiccoda Moore (type species bosaroides Moore, India), particularly the former, indicate a close relationship to Maliattha. The larva of the type species also feeds on grass (Bell, MS).

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