Maliattha ritsemae
Snellen (Plate 3, Figs 106, 112 )
ritsemae Snellen, 1880, Tijdschr.
Ent., 23: 57.
Acontia vitiensis Butler, 1886, Trans.
ent. Soc. London, 1886: 399.
Erastria albofusca Pagenstecher, 1888, Jb.
nassau. Ver. Naturk., 41: 133.
Eustrotia thermozona Hampson, 1910, Cat.
Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus., 10: 588.
Maliattha ritsemae interrupta Warren, 1913, Gross-Schmett. Erde,
11: 281.
Diagnosis. See the previous species.
Geographical range. Indo‑Australian tropics from
Sundaland eastwards to N. Australia and the Society and Austral Is.
Habitat preference. The species has not been recorded in
recent surveys, but a few old specimens from Labuan I. have
been located. This island is extensively inhabited.
Biology. The only larval host record (Robinson et al., 2001) is for Brachiaria
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