Cretonia vegetus Swinhoe (Figs 115, 120).

The male genitalia are distinguished by presence of a short spine about two‑thirds of the way along the costal part of the valve; this terminates in an acute angle directed somewhat dorsally. The cucullar apex is relatively broad. The tegumen  on each side bears a robust, upcurved spine just dorsal to its junction with the vinculum. The juxta is extended dorsally on each side by a slender pair of processes. The aedeagus vesica has a large cornutus arising dorsally, subbasally from the vesica. Females (slides 21110, 21111, 21150) have the ductus bursae grading imperceptibly into the corpus bursae, with a distinctive, teat‑like sclerite centrally. The species occurs in India and Burma.

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