Sundwarda Swinhoe

Type species: efulgida Swinhoe (= dohertyi Druce).

      The general facies is reminiscent of that of the notodontid Cerura Walker group in its transverse black fasciation of the forewing with fasciae expanded towards the costa, and darker delineation of the hindwing veins, all on a pale grey to white ground. The male antennae are bipectinate to just beyond the centre, where the pectinations taper away abruptly. In the female the pectinations are also present but very short. The thorax is marked black on grey like the forewing, and the abdomen is mostly blackish. The black fasciae have more oblique components than in the Cerura group, those on the thorax being linear rather than spotted and those in the medial zone of the forewing being convergent over the midline. The reniform and orbicular are close together, paler within incomplete black surrounds.

      In the male abdomen, the eighth segment is unmodified. The uncus and scaphium of the genitalia are similar to those seen in Ortopla but shorter, with the uncus of a more irregular shape. The tegumen and vinculum are approximately of equal length, but the former is broader with moderate setae along the posterior margin on each side. There is no paratergal sclerite. The valves are cleft between the costal and saccular parts in a manner similar to that seen in some ennomine geometrid groups (e.g. Abraxini and Macariini). The aedeagus vesica is tubular and scobinate as in Ortopla.

      The female genitalia have somewhat plantar ovipositor lobes. The ostium is at the junction of the seventh and eighth sternites, the posterior margin of the former being gently concave. The ductus is extremely short, but the corpus bursae is long, relatively narrow basally, becoming narrower towards the centre, then expanding into a broader, pyriform distal section.

      The genus is monotypic.

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