View Image Gallery of Tribe Boletobiini

Drepanorhina Hampson

Type species: shelfordi Swinhoe, Borneo.

The facies of the only included species is described below. It is similar to some of the species in the New World genus Metalectra as mentioned on p. 374.

The male abdomen is diagnostic. The eighth segment is somewhat divergent from that typical of the group. The tergite is broad, but has slight apodemes. The sternite is of the ‘W’ form but deeper than typical, with long lateral rods arising from near the basal angles of the ‘W’. The scaled area distal to it is much more extensive, with pronounced lateral lobes. The genitalia have a long slender uncus and valves with a series of processes along the costa to the apex, resembling
Panilla. Interior lobes from the centre of the tegumen on each side may also be homologous with structures in Panilla, but the diaphragm beween and central to these is strongly crinkled. The vinculum is robust, horseshoe-shaped, and the valve bases are broad, bearing numerous long, deciduous hair-setae. The aedeagus is slender, strongly curved, and the vesica has a long, fluted, tapering diverticulum arising from one of three shorter, broader ones. The juxta is the clearest example of the inverted ‘V’ or ‘Y’ type found widely in the Catocalinae.

The female has an ostium set almost longitudinally within the eighth segment, leading into a long, narrow, sclerotised ductus bursae that is obtusely angled centrally. A coiled appendix bursae typical of the boletobiines arises at the junction of the ductus with the somewhat pyriform corpus bursae. The latter lacks a signum but is weakly and finely scobinate or rugose throughout.

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