Miscellaneous Genera I
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Platyja Hübner

Type species: umminia Cramer, Java.

Synonyms: Cotuza Walker (type species drepanoides Walker, India, Hong Kong, W. Malaysia); Cremnodes Felder (type species lemur Felder, Moluccas) praeocc.; Ginaea Walker (type species removens Walker, India = umminia); Iontha Doubleday (type species umbrina Doubleday) syn. n.; Mocrendes Nye (replacement name for Cremnodes); Yerongponga Lucas (type species exequialis Lucas, Queensland).

This genus can be defined by two highly distinctive features: tripectinate antennae in males and an unusually strongly looped postmedial on the forewing. The extent of the genus is still being explored (Zilli, Yen & Holloway, in prep), but it will probably also embrace all or part of Facidina Hampson (see below).

The male antennae are ventrally serrate, the serrations sometimes long, and always deeper than the lateral rami that, when they occur, render the antennae tripectinate. The lateral rami are short in some species (e.g.
sumatrana Felder) and vestigial in others (e.g. ciacula Swinhoe and umbrina Doubleday). The legs in males usually bear conspicuous scale tufts and scent pencils, and the abdomen of most members of the Iontha group has a conspicuous black brush of scales at its apex. The forewing postmedial runs from the costa well distal to the reniform and is often angled immediately distal to it. It then extends to beyond CuA2 and then loops back towards the reniform to run basad along CuA in the cell before flexing back to meet the dorsum at approximately its centre. The area enclosed by the loop in the spaces each side of CuA2 may be distinctly paler and divided by dark along the vein. Sexual dimorphism is weak to (in the Iontha group) extreme. The genus can probably be subdivided into a series of species groups, some of which conform to older generic concepts such as Iontha and Cremnodes that could be given subgeneric status. It is found throughout the Indo-Australian tropics, and inclusion of Facidia Walker and Megacephalomana Strand would extend it to Africa. The latter genus includes species from Sri Lanka (divisa Walker) and Ambon (pilosum Pagenstecher) according to Poole (1989).

The species
Facidina suffumata Guenée has the same forewing facies type as Platyja, and the male antennae are tripectinate. The species was described from Java (East India Company specimen; other material from this source includes a pupa within a tightly rolled leaf) and is known from Thailand as a fruit piercer (Bänziger, 1982; Kuroko & Lewvanich, 1993). The type species of Facidina Hampson is polystigma Lower (Australia, S. Moluccas to Solomons), and the genus also includes the African semifimbria Walker. The three species were brought together formally by Poole (1989), reflecting an unpublished arrangement in BMNH. However, polystigma lacks the characteristic loop of the forewing postmedial of Platyja, it being punctate, white and only slightly sinuous. The male antennae are fasciculate, and the genitalia have valves with complex, bilaterally asymmetric distal processes, a complex, elongate, bilaterally asymmetric juxta, and a long, slender, sinuous aedeagus. The New Guinea species argenteopunctata Bethune-Baker, placed in Platyja by Poole (1989), shares all these features, and is therefore transferred to Facidina, comb. n.; suffumata Guenée is transferred to Platyja, comb. n., as is semifimbria Walker, comb. n., as it also has characters typical of Platyja.

The male abdomen has the eighth segment variably modified, but the sternite is usually bilobed on the anterior and posterior margins, sometimes very weakly, but strongly so in some members of the Iontha group. The genitalia have a robust uncus associated with a scaphium. The valves are simple, narrow, somewhat as in Ischyja but with more variety, tending only to have processes (or a slight bifurcation) at the apex in the Iontha group; an exception in the Bornean fauna is ciacula where there is a prominent digitate process from the valve costa at one third. The juxta is similar to that of Ischyja but with the narrow, central, more weakly sclerotised zone extending dorsally, with a slight splaying at its distal end. The aedeagus vesica has a number of slender diverticula with diverse ornamentation including strong cornuti in some taxa.

The female genitalia have the ostium associated with the posterior part of the seventh segment, where it is concealed by a bilobed extension of the posterior margin of the sternite.

The adults of several species have been noted to pierce fruit; the records of the type species from
Annona (Annonaceae) in Robinson et al. (2001) may be of this nature rather than of larval hosts.

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