Loxioda Warren
species: similis Moore,
of Loxioda
similar in size and appearance to those of Gesonia,
though the
forewing submarginal (or postmedial) typically curves out to meet the apex, and
that of the hindwing is often also shallowly concave distad. The forewing
submarginal thus bears some resemblance to that in Blasticorhinus,
except it is dark on a straw-coloured ground. The male antennae are evenly
ciliate. The labial palps have the second segment rendered triangular, with an
oblique distal edge, by a fan of scales. The third segment is short.
The male
abdomen and genitalia are similar to those of typical Blasticorhinus,
though the tegumen and vinculum are generally broader.
female genitalia have the eighth segment disrupted ventrally as in Blasticorhinus,
and the ostium is situated just posterior to the reduced seventh sternite. The
ductus is moderate, fluted, as in that genus, but the corpus bursae is more
regular in shape, with the ductus seminalis arising from near its centre on a
small, triangular appendix. There are areas of general scobination that may
become concentrated locally into a slight signum.
genus is predominantly Oriental, but with L. hampsoni Bethune-Baker
in New Guinea and Australia, and three species in Africa (Poole, 1989).
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