The Saroba group of genera
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Condate Walker

Type species: hypenoides Walker.

Species typical of the genus are small, dark, with paler, fine, regular, transverse postmedial and antemedial fasciae on the forewing and just the former on the hindwing. The forewing postmedial is strongly angled subcostally and extends basad parallel to the costa from the angle for a short distance before curving round to meet it. The reniform is darkened. The hindwing margin is distally angled at CuA2, distinguishing the species from Eublemmini with similar facies.

The male abdomen has the eighth segment highly modified, the sternite very broad, with lateral rods to the apodemes and, posteriorly, a pair of large, pocketlike structures that contain a mass of fine hairs. In the genitalia, the uncus is divided into a broad basal half and a sharply narrower distal half. The valves are apically acute, and semicircular beyond short processes set transverse at the base of the costa much as in the preceding sequence of genera. The juxta is of the inverted ‘Y’ shape, but fusion of the two convergent bands centrally is sometimes incomplete.

The female has the cleft ostium set well within the eighth segment, with small pockets on each side of it. The ductus is moderate, narrow, but slightly swollen asymmetrically at its distal end before a slightly helical ‘section’ leads into a pyriform corpus bursae that becomes increasingly densely rugose towards its apex.

The type species and most others in Borneo (see below) have facies as described above. Other Oriental species currently placed in the genus (Poole, 1989) have a forewing postmedial angled more as in
Anticarsia Hübner (p. 435) and enclosing a lens-shaped area on the costa. These last have not been dissected except for C. angulina Guenée which extends to Borneo and shows differences in the genitalia as discussed below.

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