The Serrodes Guenée group
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Avatha noctuoides Guenée 
Hypaetra noctuoides Guenée, 1852, Hist. Nat. Insectes, Spec. gén. Lépid. 7: 259.
Athyrma ptocha Prout, 1925, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (9), 16: 402, syn. n.

Avatha noctuoides

. This species could be mistaken for a form of discolor, but always has an antemedial black area subdorsally that is associated with smaller black flecks on the costa and never with a black hieroglyph postmedially. The postmedial, when evident, is paler, and has a marked loop in its discal section (see p. 14); the postmedial is often associated with a further faintly darker fleck on the costa. The hindwing has some subtornal fasciation but lacks the zone of paler marginal fringes seen at the apex of the hindwing in discolor.

Taxonomic note. Avatha bipartita Wileman comb. n. (Taiwan) is related.

Geographical range. Java, Singapore, Borneo, Burma, Andamans, India, Hainan. 

Habitat preference. One of the two Bornean specimens seen is just labelled ‘S. Borneo’. Chey (1994) recorded a further specimen in a Eucalyptus plantation in the lowlands of Sabah.

Biology. Bell (MS; though one comment indicated that the species may be A. discolor or a mixture of the two species, and all Bell voucher material located in BMNH appears to be of discolor) stated the general shape of the larva is as in Serrodes and has the same resting posture. The prolegs on A3 are small, those on A4 slightly reduced. A1 is tumid, ridged transversely in the line of the spiracles. A8 is also tumid, with a dorsolateral pair of tubercles. The head is yellowish with black spots. The body is bluish grey with 15 longitudinal whitish lines from the dorsum to the spiracles. The dorsum is more broadly greenish grey. There is a black-ringed, bluish white spot behind each spiracle. The ridge of A1 is black in front and behind, and yellow at the top, with a pink spot at each end near the spiracle. That on A8 is marked with black and white. The ventral surface is light green, with black spots between the true legs and between the prolegs of A3 and A4. A second larva was more olive-chocolate in colour, lined with white, and with a white semicircle dorsally and dorsolateral white arcs on A1. The head of this second type of larva is marbled black and white.

The young larvae rest along the ribs and veins of the undersides of leaves, but take to stalks and twigs when larger. Pupation is in a loose cell of leaves joined and lined with silk. The pupa has a greyish powdery bloom.

The host plants given by Bell were
Allophyllus and Schleichera in the Sapindaceae. These were attributed to noctuoides by Robinson et al. (2001), who added Lepisanthes from the same family, but they could, given the confusion over the identification of the larvae, be attributable to discolor.

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