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Sypnoides Hampson

Type species: mandarina Leech, China, India.

Hyposypnoides Berio, (type species: flandriana Berio, Zaïre); Pysnoides Berio (type species: mandarina); Supersypnoides Berio (type species erebina Hampson, China).

Sypnoides was divided into three subgenera by Berio & Fletcher (1958), but all share the presence of a pair of massive structures from the tegumen that flank the uncus that could be termed socii. These are best displayed when the genitalia are mounted opened out after separating the vinculum from the tegumen on one side (Figs 278, 279). They can also be mounted laterally (Fig 275). The male antennae are fasciculate. 

In the male abdomen, the eighth segment is narrowed to a ring that bears a fringe of hairs. The valves are variable in shape, but the flange is central when it occurs. The saccus is relatively short except in the typical subgenus. The aedeagus often has the ductus ejaculatorius inserted basally. 

The female genitalia are typical of the
Sypna group.

Berio & Fletcher recognised three subgenera. The typical one and
Hyposypnoides Berio (exclusively African) have spined tibiae, whereas those of subgenera Supersypnoides Berio, the bulk of the genus, have them unspined. The first species described below belongs to the typical subgenus, the rest to Supersypnoides. Most of the latter have a characteristic filigree delineation of the medial area of the forewing with pale, narrow fasciae as illustrated for the Bornean species.

Sugi (1987) illustrated the larvae of three Japanese species. They are long, slender, with the anal prolegs splayed and those on A3 and, to a lesser extent, A4 reduced. The section between the thorax and A4 is greatly extended, and the head is large relative to the width of the thoracic segments. The patterns tend to be longitudinal bands and markings for crypsis. The pupa lacks any bloom in two Indian species discussed by Sevastopulo (1946, 1947). It occurs in a spun-together leaf.

Host plants noted for the genus (Sevastopulo, 1946, 1947; Sugi, 1972, 1987; Robinson
et al., 2001) are Fagus, Quercus (Fagaceae) and Malus, Rosa and Rubus (Rosaceae).

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