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Hydrillodes pertruncata Prout
     Hydrillodes pertruncata Prout, 1928, Sarawak Mus. J., 3: 489.


Hydrillodes pertruncata
Figure 185

This is a large species known only from males. The forewings are uniform rich dark brown with distinctly rounded apices, the curvature commencing at the distal end of a vestigial costal fold like that of eucaula. The labial palps are slender, upcurved. The hindwings are whitish, tinged with pinkish brown as illustrated, with a faint discal lunule and diffuse postmedial.

Taxonomic note. The male genitalia indicate that the species belongs to the second group. However, Prout, in her original description, suggested the modifications of the male forewing (including to the venation) might place the species in a group of its own.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. The six specimens in the original description were taken at about 2000m on G. Murud in Sarawak.

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