Diagnosis. Males have a hair pencil directed back from the forewing costa over the cell, beyond which a pale greenish-ochreous streak curves gently longitudinally through the centre of the wing round to just subapically. It broadens near the base of the wing. The labial palps are massive, extending back over the thorax to the centre of the abdomen where the third segments appear to be fused, whitish with a dark tip. Females have more uniform brown forewings with faintly paler but obscure and irregular fasciation medially, subbasally and submarginally.
Taxonomic note. Similar species in the New Guinea area such as albibasalis Holland (S. Moluccas, New Guinea) lack the massive labial palps of male obliquistriga, having them more as in the next species.
Habitat preference. The type material is from G. Murud at about 2000m. Two further specimens have been taken in montane forest at 1670m on Bukit Pagon in Brunei.