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Adrapsa pseudoscopigera sp. n.


Adrapsa pseudoscopigera
Figure 240
Figure 260

, 15mm. The facies and colour is similar to that of alsusalis and scopigera Moore (Indian Subregion, including Burma (slide 18836)) and the next species, and the male antennae are similarly fasciculate. However, the labial palps have the third segment scaling more ovate and entirely buff. The forewings are narrow as in scopigera, but the postmedial is more irregular, less oblique. On the underside, extensive dark brown marking is restricted to the medial zone, rather than occurring in a broad postmedial band. The species is the same size as scopigera, larger than alsusalis. The genitalia have deeper valves than in alsusalis, with a distinct but shallow bulge in the centre of the costa, rather than an acute process based slightly subcostally. The aedeagus is shorter, the vesica relatively larger and more convolute. Compared with scopigera, the saccus is more acute, and the valve lacks a strong harpe at its centre. The aedeagus vesica in scopigera has a large bundle of needle-like spines that are not seen in pseudoscopigera. The female genitalia differ considerably from those of scopigera and the next species, the ductus being narrower and not set in a scobinate pouch, with an irregularly thickened section distal to, and as long as, the basal sclerotised section. The corpus bursae is much larger, expanding to a distal bulb rather than tapering, the bulb containing a well-defined scobinate signum that is not surrounded by an areole; the bulb is generally finely scobinate.

Holotype . Dutch West BORNEO, 85 miles above [upstream from?] Pontianak (Simons et Meligan (Sanggan)) ex Jansson, April 1909, BM noctuid slide 19486.

Paratype . Mt Marapok, Dent Province, Brit. N. BORNEO, BM noctuid slide 19844.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. The only specimen with precise data is from the lowlands; the female specimen lacks altitude data.

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