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Adrapsa editha Swinhoe
     Adrapsa editha Swinhoe, 1902, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7), 10: 502.


Adrapsa editha

Adrapsa editha
Figure 250

The wings are almost black, with paler areas between very irregular zig-zag black fasciae that may have (e.g. the postmedials distally) slightly paler edging. The submarginals are narrow, whitish, and the forewing has a faint whitish patch at one third from the costa at the distal margin. See also the next species, misidentified as editha by Holloway (1976). The forewing discal spot is usually a white dot, but this can be obscure. The male has unipectinate antennae typical of the genus, but these are not conspicuously noded; the hindwings are reduced in area relative to the forewings compared with those of the female. The underside is paler than the upperside; males have a reversed fringe of scales over the basal two thirds of the forewing costa.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. The species is frequent on G. Kinabalu (old material without altitude data), but has also been recorded singly in dipterocarp forest at 300m in the Ulu Temburong of Brunei, in lowland forest of the Barito Ulu in central Kalimantan and, during the Mulu survey, at 150m in wet heath forest on a river terrace and in lower montane forest at 900m on the limestone G. Api.

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