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Bertula picta Pagenstecher comb. n.
     Bleptina picta Pagenstecher, 1894, Jb. nassau. Ver. Naturk., 47: 48.

Bertula picta
Figure 40
Figure 68
Figure 126

The facies is reminiscent of that of species such as alpheusalis and depressalis but on a straw-coloured ground. The postmedials are the most conspicuous fasciae, irregular in course, with pale brown and mauvish grey bands immediately distal to them. The male antennae are strongly fasciculate, almost appearing bipectinate from the largest setae.

Taxonomic note. The forewing facies characters suggest placement in Bertula is preferable. The labial palps of the male are only moderately recurved, the third segment relatively short, slender, and with a tuft of scales on its dorsal side similar to that of crucialis (see below). The stigmata on the underside of the hindwing and the condition of the eighth segment of the male abdomen are typical of genera in the Bertula complex. The male foreleg shows extreme development of a spur at the distal end of the first tarsal segment as illustrated. The male genitalia have triangular, apically excavated valves, rendering them pincer-like. The aedeagus vesica has many diverticula, including a long distal one and one from the basal side that bears three large, shallow, nipple-like cornuti. The corpus bursae of the female has an area of sclerotisation in its basal half that is probably reinforced to receive these.

Geographical range. Java, Borneo.

Habitat preference. This species is infrequent, but most material seen is from lowland localities such as Samarinda and Pontianak in Kalimantan, from the understorey of primary dipterocarp forest at 170m near the Danum Valley Field Centre in Sabah and from regenerating alluvial forest at 50m by the S. Melinau in Sarawak. The only montane record is one from lower montane forest at 1000m on G. Mulu.

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