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Simplicia anoecta Prout
     Simplicia anoecta Prout, 1929, Bull. Hill Mus. Witley, 3: 21.


Simplicia anoecta
Figure 279
Figure 291

The facies is similar to that of macrotheca and allies but with a more conspicuous discal spot on the forewing, the venation of which is unusual in lacking an areole (Prout, 1929). The male genitalia are characterised particularly by a strong process on the valve costa.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. The original description was based on three specimens from Labuan I. without more precise data, but probably from disturbed lowland forest or habitation. A male has been taken at 1000m on lower montane forest on G. Mulu, and a probable female (slide 19472) was recorded in lowland forest at the Danum Valley Field Centre in Sabah.

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