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Simplicia ruptifascia sp. n.


Simplicia ruptifascia
Figure 271

15-16mm. The male antennae are noded at one third, with a slight flexure just distal to the node. The labial palps, particularly the third segment, are much shorter than in concisalis and butesalis, though the general size and coloration is similar. The submarginal fasciae are irregular, slightly lunulate and broken. The dark markings of the forewing are obscure, the reniform a small dot and the fasciae only faintly evident, broad, but very diffuse. The male genitalia have the valve broadening distally much as in xanthoma, but the processes at the end of the costa and sacculus are much smaller, almost vestigial. The aedeagus vesica is similar in shape to that of acutivalva but broader, with the central lobe lacking the scobination seen in the other species.

Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.), Site 15, February, Camp 2.5, Mulu, 1000m. 413461, lower montane for.; BM noctuid slide 19416.

Paratypes: 2 as holotype; 1 (slide 19900) BORNEO: Sabah, Bukit Monkobo, 5° 48' N, 116° 58' E, 23.viii.1987, 1200m (A.H. Kirk-Spriggs), Camp 1, stunted hill forest.

Taxonomic note. A male specimen from Peninsular Malaysia (slide 19803) that has superficially similar wing facies but much longer labial palps, also has different male genitalia. The valve is narrower with a more acute and produced apical spine; the sacculus is stronger with a slight spine at its distal extremity (about two-thirds on the ventral margin). The aedeagus vesica is smaller and coarsely scobinate. It thus represents a further undescribed species.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. All four specimens are from lower montane forest.

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