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Simplicia pseudeusalis sp. n.
     Simplicia caeneusalis Walker sensu Holloway, 1976: 41.


Simplicia pseudeusalis
Figure 274
Figure 293

, ? 13mm. This species is easily confused with cornicalis, being of a similar size and facies. The underside is greyer, and the forewing fasciation is more crenulate, but this is faint; the antemedial appears obtusely angled at one third from the dorsum, but is obscure in the specimens to hand. The male antennae have a strong node at one quarter to one third as in cornicalis but are more evenly ciliate over the part basal to this than in cornicalis where they are moderately fasciculate. The male genitalia have the valve slightly narrower, particularly towards the apex, and the costal spur is in a much more subbasal position. The aedeagus lacks the diagnostic apical spur of cornicalis and has finer scobination restricted to the immediate zone of a small central and distal diverticulum. The genitalia of putative females have coarser but more sparsely distributed spining in the base of the corpus bursae, with an oblique boundary at its distal extent.

Holotype . BORNEO: Sabah, Bukit Monkobo, 5° 48' N, 116° 38' E, 9.viii.1987, 900m (A.H. Kirk-Spriggs), base camp, stunted hill forest, BM noctuid slide 19469.

Paratype . SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.), Site 2, January, Camp 4, Mulu, 1790m. 452463 [upper] montane (moss) forest, BM noctuid slide 19532.

Other material. Two females that probably belong to this species were taken at Site 15, 1000m, on G. Mulu in lower montane forest (slide 19802) and at Park H.Q., 1620m, on G. Kinabalu (slide 9460). There is also a further specimen without an abdomen from 1660m (Lycaenid Cut) on G. Kinabalu.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. All specimens are from montane forest.

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