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Simplicia butesalis Walker
     Libisosa butesalis Walker, [1859] 1858, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 16: 187.
    Simplicia macrotheca Prout, 1929, Bull. Hill Mus. Witley, 3: 17, syn. n.


Simplicia butesalis
Figure 281

This and the next two species are externally very similar in facies, though the male antennae differ. In this species there is a strong node with erect scales at about a quarter; the antennae are otherwise ciliate. The sheath and first tarsal segment of the male foreleg are twice the length of the femur. The labial palps have the second segment approximately equal in length to the third but deeper in the vertical plane, the ventral margin curving up to meet that of the third segment. The wings are dull grey-brown with fine, pale submarginals as illustrated. The dark forewing fasciae and discal spot are obscure, the former barely visible. The male genitalia have the valves tongue-like, without processes, but with a distinct bulge in the centre of the ventral margin. The aedeagus vesica has a narrow distal diverticulum as in the next species, but with the more elongate, coarser spines running further down it and on the side adjacent to the bulb of the vesica rather than away from it. Females have not been reliably identified.

Taxonomic note. The male syntype of butesalis is here designated LECTOTYPE, as the genus Libisosa Walker is defined by the male having noded antennae (see below). The abdomen of this specimen is missing, but the length of the foretibial sheath and the character of the labial palps indicate it to be conspecific with fresh Bornean material with these features and, through the genital characteristics of these, with macrotheca.

Geographical range. Borneo, Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia.

Habitat preference. The species has been taken infrequently in lowland forest.

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