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Polypogon longisaccus sp. n.
     Mixomelia erecta Moore sensu Holloway, 1976: 41.


Polypogon longisaccus
Figure 324

11-13mm. 14mm. This and silvialis Walker (p. 136) have a similar facies of dark fasciae on a medium brownish grey ground; the submarginal is slightly heavier than the other fasciae through darkening grading into it, and it has very slightly paler edging distad. The internal fasciae are linear, the forewing submarginal strongly sigmoid, this being more extreme and angular over the interior part in the smaller silvialis. The forewing antemedial is stronger than the postmedial in silvialis. The labial palps are more angled back in longisaccus, the third segment being distinctly tufted with straw-coloured scales. They are more gently upcurved in silvialis. The male antennae are fasciculate in longisaccus and bipectinate in silvialis. The legs are darker brown in longisaccus, the males with a pale yellow hair pencil on the foreleg, but in silvialis the underside is uniform with no conspicuous tufting of the male foreleg. The male abdomen is of the framed corematous type, with long lateral rods and a single central corema set well within the frame. The tergite is very narrow, with short, splayed apodemes. The uncus is slender, hooked. The valves are tongue-like with a costal process typical of Herminia. The saccus is as long as the rest of the genital capsule. The juxta is square. The ventral margins of the tegumen are angled. The vesica is rather narrow, with spining ventrally that is coarser basally, grading to finer scobination distally. There is also a larger, apically bifid sclerite dorsally near the junction with the aedeagus.

Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.), Site 25, April, G. Api, 900m. 427550, lower montane forest, BM noctuid slide 19431.

Paratypes: 1 (slide 20190; foreleg) as holotype; 1 (slide 9456), SABAH: Mt. Kinabalu, ‘Power Station’ 1930m, vii.ix.1965, Cambridge Expedition to Mt. Kinabalu 1965 (H.J. Banks, H.S. Barlow & J.D. Holloway); 1 as previous but Park H.Q., 1620m.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. Four specimens have been taken in recent surveys: two from lower montane forest at 900m on the limestone G. Api; one each from 1620m and 1930m on G. Kinabalu.

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