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Polypogon adda Swinhoe comb. n.
     Zanclognatha adda Swinhoe, 1902, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7), 9: 179.


Polypogon adda
Figure 319

This and the next two species are distinctly larger than those above but of a similar delicate build. The male antennae are bipectinate. The wings are generally black or dark brown with the submarginals always at least slightly edged with white. The discal marks are linear, as are the postmedials and, on the forewing, the antemedial. The forewing postmedial is flexed at one third from the costa. In adda, the forewing submarginal diverges slightly from the margin from dorsum to subapically and is filled with a wedge of pure white that is truncated just short of the costa. The ground of the wings is almost black, and the fasciation is obscure. The postmedial on the forewing underside differs from the upperside, being straight, oblique. The male has a greyish-straw hair pencil on the foreleg. The following species differ in ground colour or in the way white marking is distributed in the marginal strips. The male abdomen is almost unmodified, with only small, widely separated apodemes on the tergite. The male genitalia are all very similar, with a moderate saccular process on the valve and an immaculate aedeagus vesica with one or more diverticula. There is only one diverticulum in adda, rather triangular, and the aedeagus has a zone of spining subapically.

Geographical range. Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo.

Habitat preference. Only older material has been seen, without precise data, from G. Marapok and G. Kinabalu.

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