Walker comb. n. Lysimelia neleusalis Walker, [1859] 1858, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 16: 201. Nodaria maculipex Hampson, 1898, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 11: 472, syn. n. Lysimelia perixeimenus Rothschild 1920, J. fed. Malay St. Mus., 8: 125.
Polypogon neleusalis
Diagnosis. See the previous two species. This and the next are smaller, a greyer brown. Both can have white areas in the zone between the submarginals and the margins; these are more uniformly dispersed in neleusalis when they occur. The postmedial of the forewing in neleusalis is more angled and dentate at one third from the costa, and that of the hindwing is weak and very close to the discal mark (slightly more distant in the next species).
Taxonomic note. The male genitalia of the type material of neleusalis and maculipex indicate conspecificity; see the comment on confusion with Bracharthron maculapex in the generic account above (p. 123). The male foreleg has a large sheath enclosing a minute tarsal segment. The slide preparations of the male type material have lost the eighth abdominal segment, and the vesica of the aedeagus has not been everted. The valves are narrow with an apical hook and a central spur to the costa. The margins of the juxta are spined (see also pallexasp. n. on p. 131). The aedeagus vesica appears to have two groups of moderate spines. The female genitalia are atypical of the Polypogon complex, having the spherical corpus bursae smaller than the ductus bursae is long, the two together not extending much beyond the anterior margin of the seventh segment; no scobination is evident.
Geographical range. Oriental tropics to Sumatra, Borneo.
Habitat preference. The species has not been taken in most recent surveys, though Chey (1994) recorded several specimens from various softwood plantations in the lowlands of Sabah near Brumas. The type material was taken by A.R. Wallace in Sarawak, probably in the lowlands, and there is material from G. Kinabalu without altitude data taken by J. Waterstradt.