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Polypogon ochreipes Prout comb. n.
     Lysimelia ochreipes Prout, 1932, Zool. Meded. Leiden, 14: 204.


Polypogon ochreipes
Figure 325

This is a very similar species to neleusalis (see above) but the submarginals are slightly sinuous in course and meet the distal margins of the fore- and hindwings at or just before the tornus. The marginal zones are more clearly white, but with a central blackish suffusion that is stronger in the broader part nearer the apices of the wings. The forewing postmedial is less strongly dentate and more evenly curved in the discal zone. Males have a distinctive straw-coloured hair-pencil on the foreleg.

Taxonomic note. The male eighth segment has a moderately developed framed corematous structure. The valve is narrow, with a sclerotised costa that has a broad process, thorn-like distally, at its base. The juxta is large, roundedly rectangular with shallowly curved flanges along each side that run almost the length of the structure. The aedeagus is short, broad, with a somewhat globular vesica that has basal and distal areas of scobination that include fields of more robust spines. P. nigripes Hampson is a slightly larger species with black hair pencils on the male foreleg. It occurs in N.E. Himalaya and Burma. Kononenko & Pinratana (2005, Plate 43: 6) illustrated one of the two species for Thailand.

Geographical range. Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo.

Habitat preference. Only two Bornean specimens have been seen, old material from Bidi and Paku in the lowlands of Sarawak. However, Chey (1994) recorded a dozen specimens, tentatively identified as nigripes (see above), from softwood plantations near Brumas in the lowlands of Sabah.

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