View Image Gallery of Subfamily Herminiinae

Polypogon classeyi sp. n.


Polypogon classeyi
Figure 302
Figure 316

11mm, 10mm. The head, thorax and forewings are a medium reddish brown-grey, frosted with slightly paler scales. The forewings are crossed by four fine, dull, yellowish fasciae (unusual within this generic complex), and the distal margin at the base of the fringes is the same colour. The fasciae consist of a transverse, slightly oblique subbasal, a more oblique antemedial, obtusely angled basad just subcostally, an oblique postmedial that has a more acute angle at one quarter from the costa and is concave distad posterior to this, and a submarginal that is transverse, but similarly concave distad over its whole length. There is also a faint transverse discal dash. The hindwings are a paler greyish brown that fades towards the costa. There is a faint, pale submarginal that extends forwards from just dorsal to an angle on the margin and continues posterior to that angle on the actual margin. On the underside, this fascia of the hindwing is more evident, edged darker on the basal side, and there is also a darker curved postmedial and a discal mark. The labial palps are upcurved, the curvature mostly over the basal part of the second segment, with the extent of the erect, shorter third segment being above the head. The male antennae are fasciculate, and the foreleg is strongly sheathed, though the tarsus extends slightly beyond it. The male abdomen is of a well developed framed corematous type somewhat as in P. decipiens Hampson and also in the type species of Herminia, though the genitalia of tarsicrinalis are very different, particularly the uncus and the basal position of the costal process of the valves (see also the next species). The tergite has long, slender, tapered apodemes (more parallel than in decipiens), and the sternite has a small central pocket or corema and long lateral rods. The genitalia have a slender uncus, a broad saccus and broad lateral components of the tegumen that are right-angled at their ventral end. The valves are much shorter than in decipiens, tapering to an acute costal process, with the apex and saccular extremity forming small lobes successively basad from this. The aedeagus vesica is flexed dorsally and is generally scobinate, the spines coarser at the ventral end. In the female, the ductus and corpus bursae are elongate, the former evenly sclerotised and the latter somewhat pyriform, corrugated basally, with a zone of scattered spicules at two thirds. There is a slightly coiled appendix bursae at one third. These features are somewhat similar to those of decipiens but the spining in that species is much more robust.

Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.), Site 20, Mar.-Apr., W. Melinau Gorge, 150m. 422577 FEG 3, kerangas, BM noctuid slide 19428.

Paratype . SARAWAK: Kuching, Semongok 3-9.ii.1976 (E.W. Classey), BM noctuid slide 20000.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. Both specimens are from areas of lowland forest, the holotype from heath forest and the paratype from an area with some disturbance.

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