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Naarda marginata sp. n.


Naarda marginata
Figure 349

, 7-8mm. The facies is unusual in that the ground colour is fawn rather than the typical purple of most other species or the yellow of acolutha. All wings have a purplish border with a sinuous inner margin defined by a double submarginal fascia within it. The forewing costa is also narrowly purple. There is a faint, diffuse purplish medial band that is continuous across the wings, broadening to the forewing costa, with a discal spot just exterior to it. The male antennae are ciliate with one much longer bristle on each flagellomere. The labial palps have the second and third segments scaled to appear triangular in lateral view. In the male genitalia, the apex of the uncus is slightly hooked like a hockey stick. The valves are similar to those of melinau, parallel-sided over the basal half, and tapering, triangular distally, the apex being slightly bilobed, though not so deeply cleft as in melinau. The aedeagus vesica has a reflexed, horn-like subbasal cornutus and an elongate cluster of small spines just distal to it.

Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8, (J.D. Holloway et al.), Site 21, March, 130m, 423576, alluvial / kerangas bank, BM noctuid slide 19980.

Paratypes: 1 SABAH: Brumas, secondary forest, 1.v.1991 (Chey Vun Khen); 1 (head missing) MALAYSIA: Sabah, Danum Valley, 170m, 4°58' N 117°48' E (S.J. Willott), 2° understorey, 21, Bkt. Atur Rd., DVFC, 20.iv.94.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. All specimens are from lowland forest, including secondary growth.

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