View Image Gallery of Subfamily Herminiinae

Naarda sp. 20101


Naarda sp. 20101
Figure 353

A further species is represented by females by one female specimen (slide 20101) from Panaga on the coast of Brunei and probably another (abdomen missing) from dry lowland heath forest at Telisai just inland from the first locality. They are small (7mm), the wings uniform purple throughout, the only really conspicuous mark being the forewing reniform which resembles that of laufellalis but is duller yellow with the posterior black spot relatively larger. The genitalia lack lobes at the ostium and have a narrow, unsclerotised ductus bursae. The corpus bursae is irregular, somewhat pyriform.

Table 3. Percentage of species for two major hypenine species groups amongst various biogeographic and ecological categories.

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