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Naarda barlowi sp. n.


Naarda barlowi
Figure 359
Figure 360

9-10mm. The forewings are relatively deep and a very uniform, dark purplish brown. The discal mark consists of a reniform yellow patch that contains two dots, the posterior one larger than the anterior one. There is also a faint, punctate, whitish submarginal. The hindwings are slightly paler and greyer, but also uniform, darkening slightly towards the dorsum. The male antennae are ciliate, thickly scaled, and the labial palps have the second segment semicircular in lateral view; the third segment is as in melinau. The male genitalia have an uncus that has a thorn-like dorsal spur just subapically. The valves narrow as in melinau, but not markedly, the apical portion being undivided, broader, with a triangular process from the interior of the sacculus and another arising laterally from the valve apex. The aedeagus vesica has a large cornutus as in melinau but it is slightly shorter and more robust.

Holotype . BRUNEI: 300m, Ulu Temburong, rainforest, (H.S. B[arlow]) Oct. 1978, BM noctuid slide 19989.

Paratype . SARAWAK: Kuching, Semongok, 3-9.ii.1976 (E.W. Classey), BM noctuid slide 19988.

Other material. A female (slide 20087) from a Pinus caribaea plantation near Brumas in the lowlands of Sabah may be barlowi.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. Both male specimens are from lowland forest, the paratype biotope also having some disturbance.

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