View Image Gallery of Subfamily Herminiinae

Naarda serra sp. n.


Naarda serra
Figure 352

11mm. The facies is similar to that of the previous two species, except the holotype has the basal part of the forewing with a with a slightly buff tinge as in notata Hampson (S. India, Sri Lanka). However, notata has slightly deeper forewings and larger, paler hindwings. The antennae and labial palps are as in the previous species. In the male genitalia the tegumen is broad, with erect, saw-like structures on each side that reach the centre of the slender uncus (broken in the holotype). The valves are narrow, tongue-like, entire, with the saccular process short, rounded, with extensive basally directed spining. The aedeagus vesica has an ovate patch of similar spining where it joins the aedeagus ventrally.

Holotype . MALAYSIA: Sabah, Danum Valley, 170m, 4°58' N 117°48' E (S.J. Willott), 1° understorey, IU Obs. Platform, DVFC, 26.ii.94, BM noctuid slide 20089.

Paratype . Bidi, SARAWAK, 1907-1908 (C.J. Brooks), BM noctuid slide 20088.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. Both specimens are from the lowlands.

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