Diagnosis. 13-15mm. The forewings are apically produced and falcate, with a slight central angle to the margin, as in the four species treated by Lödl (1997), but lack the conspicuous pale fasciation and triangular discal marking centrally of most of those species; the wings are a uniform medium rufous brown with only the faintest, fine, pale fascia medially. The male genitalia have processes on the valves in similar positions to those of the species discussed by Lödl. The saccular process is short as in the two Oriental species (griseifusa Hampson, violescens), but is apically bifid. The central process is robust, apically spatulate, in a relatively distal position, perhaps intermediate between that process as recognised by Lödl (1997) and his ‘Valvenfalte’. The aedeagus vesica is also distinctive, having several fields of moderate, slender cornuti.
Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.), Site 15, February, Camp 2.5, Mulu, 1000m. 413461, lower montane for., BM noctuid slide 18170.
Paratypes: 1 as holotype but Site 14; 1 SABAH, Brumas, sec. forest, 14.xi.1991 (Chey Vun Khen).
Geographical range. Borneo; the species illustrated from Thailand (Kononenko & Pinratana, 2005: plate 43: 29) may also be this species.
Habitat preference. Both male specimens are from lower montane forest but the female is from secondary lowland forest.