13-14mm. The facies of the hindwing and the divided nature of the forewing is similar to that of rectivia. However, the dividing fascia of the forewing is more central, between the white, rather oval orbicular and the more obscure reniform, and is black with a rufous band basad, rather than pale. Basal to this fascia is a pale ochreous fawn area that contrasts with the darker grey area distal to the fascia. There is an inconspicuous, dark antemedial, only prominent where it meets the costa, where it forms an oblique bar directed distad towards the orbicular. The male antennae are serrate, but the processes on each flagellomere are short and broad. The male genitalia are very similar to those of the previous three species, particularly rectivia, but with the subbasal saccular process flexed slightly inwards. The thickening of the eighth tergite is as in rectivia but with a more extensive, square central area.
Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.), Site 11, February, Camp 1, Mulu, 150m. 385470, mixed dipt./river, BM noctuid slide 19654.
Paratypes: 3 general data as holotype but Site 8, February, Camp 1, Mulu, 150m, 385470, mixed dipt. for.; 1 Bidi, SARAWAK, 1907-1908 (C.J. Brooks); 2 MALAYSIA: Danum Valley, 170m, 4°58' N 117°48' E (S.J. Willott), 2° understorey, Bkt Atur Road. DVFC, 18.ix.93; 2 BORNEO: Sabah, Danum Valley, 5° 01' N, 117° 47' E, 14.ix.1987, 100m (A.H. Kirk-Spriggs), roadside, secondary forest.
Habitat preference. All material is from lowland forest, but more from secondary than primary. However, data from logged and unlogged lowland forest at 170m near the Danum Valley Field Centre in Sabah (S.J. Willott, unpublished) show no significant difference.