Blenina lichenosa Moore
Blenina lichenosa Moore, 1877, Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1877: 607.
Blenina variegata Moore, 1881,
Indian lepid. Insects Colln W.S. Atkinson:
Blenina lichenosa ab. borneonis Strand, 1917, Arch. Naturgesch.,
82 (A1): 87.
Blenina lichenosa ab. lichenosella Strand, 1917, Arch.
82 (A1): 87.
Blenina lichenosa ab.
Strand, 1917, Arch. Naturgesch., 82 (A1): 87.
Blenina lichenosa
Gaede, lichenosella Gaede and
Gaede, 1937, Gross-Schmett. Erde, 11: 408.
Diagnosis. The first three species treated here have similar, variegated,
mostly green and grey forewings and dark blackish brown hindwings with an
incomplete, sinuous medial band of dark yellow. The first two are of similar
size, but lichenosa is on average greyer in the forewing. The two can be
distinguished best on the underside, where lichenosa has a broader (2mm
or more) and more strongly curved black medial fascia on the hindwing.
Taxonomic note. Typical Andamans material and material from New Guinea has a
distinctly orange tone to the hindwing ground colour, particularly on the
underside. This is much darker in material from mainland Asia and Sundaland.
Geographical range. Oriental tropics east to Sundaland, also New Guinea.
Habitat preference. The species occurs frequently in forests from sea-level
to about 2000m.
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