Blenina malachitis Hampson
Blenina malachitis Hampson, 1905, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7), 16: 546.
Blenina auriculata Hampson, 1912, Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus.,
11: 404.
Blenina malachitis moluccensis Prout, 1926, Entomologist,
59: 70.
Blenina malachitis ab. singaporica Strand, 1917, Arch.
82 (A1): 87.
Blenina malachitis singaporica Gaede, 1937, Gross-Schmett.
11: 408.
Blenina malachitis
Blenina malachitis
Diagnosis. See lichenosa above. Females have more strongly variegated
forewings than males in the typical race, but both sexes of ssp. moluccensis
show this.
Geographical range. Singapore, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo; S.
Moluccas, New Guinea (ssp. moluccensis).
Habitat preference. This is the rarest of the three ‘mossy’ species, but has
been recorded over a similar range of habitats.
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