Carea costiplaga Swinhoe, 1893, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (6), 12: 262.
Carea tarika
Swinhoe, 1901, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7), 7: 492.
Carea costiplaga ab.
Strand, 1917, Arch. Naturgesch., 82 (A1): 91.
Carea defuscata
Prout, 1922, Bull. Hill Mus. Witley, 1: 218.
Carea costiplaga
Gaede, 1937, Gross-Schmett. Erde, 11: 432.
Carea costiplaga Swinhoe; Holloway, 1976: 25.
Xenochroa costiplaga Swinhoe; Kobes, 1997: 127.
Diagnosis. The trapezoid dark green-brown mark distally and the much smaller
triangular one antemedially on the costa of the pinkish grey and brown forewing
are diagnostic.
Taxonomic note.
The inclusion of tarika (= fakfakensis)
as a race of costiplaga may need revision.
Warren comb. n. (New Guinea) is probably as closely related, and the male
genitalia of all taxa are very similar. It is possible that both triguttata
and tarika are distinct species.
Geographical range. Oriental tropics; Seram, Buru (ssp. defuscata);
N. Moluccas, New Guinea (ssp. tarika).
Habitat preference. This is predominantly a lowland species, found in a
range of forest types, including coastal, secondary and heath forests. Apart
from a single specimen taken at 1930m on G. Kinabalu, all records are from 300m
or below.
Biology. Yunus & Ho (1980) noted Cynometra (Leguminosae) as a
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