Negritothripa aureata sp. n.

11mm. The basic pattern elements of the forewing are as in congeners but it is
much more variegated: whitish in a lens along the costa, in a triangular zone
basal to the antemedial, sandy whitish in a tornal spot and the patches on the
dorsum, and darker golden greenish brown elsewhere. The fine fasciae and
double-ringed reniform are conspicuous in the costal lens. The genitalia are
very similar to those of confluens, but the rasp-like signum is much
BRUNEI: 300m, Ulu Temburong, LP298, GR 838892, 26-30.iv.1989 (M.G. Allen &
K.R. Tuck).
SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D.Holloway et al.),
Site 25, April, G. Api, 900m. 427550, lower montane forest, BM noctuid slide
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. The specimens are from both lowland and lower montane
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